GF Bread with Sprouts + Simple Guacamole

sprouted breadHow much do you know about alfalfa sprouts? Did you know it is a healing food? Alfalfa sprouts are the shoots of the alfalfa plant, harvested before they become the full-grown plant. Because they are so small, the sprouts contain a concentrated amount of certain vitamins and minerals such as calcium, vitamin K and vitamin C. They are one of the most significant dietary sources of phytoestrogens, that can help reduce your risk of heart disease, cancer and osteoporosis. Saponins in alfalfa sprouts can help lower your bad cholesterol while also increasing good cholesterol. Saponins might also help boost your immunity. An easy way of using them is rinse under running water and add into your salads, sandwiches, wraps and burgers. I used to make this awesome gluten free bread, which turned out to be really good. You don’t need to pay ten dollars for a loaf of sprouted bread any more when you can make it so easy at home. Plus, for my lunch, I made a quick guacamole to spread on this beautiful slice of bread. Yum!

treat kidney stones, gastrointestinal and bloating

sprouted bread1Ingredients

For Guacamole
1 avocado
1/2 cup chopped parsley
a squeeze of lemon
1/2 tsp of smoked paprika
a pinch of Himalayan salt
1 tbsp thick Greek yogurt
1 tbsp of olive oil

Simply place all ingredients in your food processor and blend until smooth. Transfer to a serving bowl and refrigerate until serve.

For Sprouted GF Bread
20g chia seeds
1/2 cup earl grey, strongly brewed
2 eggs
1/4 cup melted coconut oil
1 tbsp thick Greek yogurt
1/2 cup almond meal
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup alfalfa sprouts
1 tsp ginger
1/2 tsp cardamom
1/2 tsp nutmeg
1/2 tsp baking soda
a pinch of Himalayan salt

Soak chia seeds in earl grey tea until it gets thick and gel-like. Add eggs in and gently whisk to combine. Add coconut oil and yogurt in and stir to combine. Add the rest of the ingredients, stir well to combine, pour the mixture into a loaf tin and set aside for 10 minutes. Bake in the preheated oven (180) for 40-45 minutes until cooked. Take it out of the oven and let it cool in a tin.

Raw Dessert Sushi

dessert sushiI got to admit I’m pretty addicted to raw desserts at the moment. Raw bliss balls, fudge, “cheese”cake, brownie, pudding. They are not only simple and fun to make but also packed with nutrition and goodness. This sweet sushi is actually not too sweet. I think soft gooey dates, peanut butter and cacao powder do the trick for me, but if you have a serious sweet tooth, feel free to add some coconut sugar or serve with a drizzle of honey. You can also be creative with fillings such as berry jams, nut butter, tahini or even banana. One or two with a cuppa is perfect snack during the day or dessert after dinner.
dessert sushi1
Ingredients (make one roll)

100g oats
5 walnuts
15g flaxmeal
4-5 Medijool dates, pitted and chopped
a pinch of sea salt
1 tbsp coconut oil, melted
1 tbsp water
1-2 tbsp peanut butter, melted
1 tbsp cacao powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder

To make a dough, place oats, flaxmeal and salt in a food processor and blitz until they are all grounded fine. Add chopped dates, melted coconut oil and water into a food processor and blitz again until combined. Pour the mixture into a large bowl and make a dough using your hands. Add a bit of water if the mixture is too dry. Place the dough on the centre of a baking paper and spread evenly to a rectangular shape. For filling, mix peanut butter, cacao powder and cinnamon powder in a bowl. Spread the filling on the dough except edges and then proceed to rolling. Keep the roll wrapped in a baking paper and place in freezer for 10-15 minutes to firm up. Take it out of freezer and slice them into little discs with a sharp knife.

Smokey Beetroot Hummus

We all have cutting board(s) in kitchen, yes? I like wooden or bamboo ones since I can use it to plate up rustic foods. Though do you know how clean your cutting board is? Approaching a hot summer in Melbourne, I thought I will briefly write about it to prevent a cross-contamination and food poisoning. You might all know but it is best to use different cutting boards for different foods (wood ones for fruits and vegetables, plastic ones for cutting meat, glass ones for pastry and cheese). If you use wooden or bamboo ones like I do, vinegar or hot soapy water is a way to go to kill all bacteria. You can use baking soda for a deeper clean and dry completely before storing away in a rack so that there is air flow. Replace them if you find deep cuts, scratches or grooves due to bacterial growth. I also tend to use one cutting board to just serve food on or put a baking paper when using my usual cutting board.

I felt like having a little picnic-style food today although we didn’t go out or anything. I didn’t want to spend too much time in front of stove either in this warm weather. So I went through my fridge and ended up creating this Turkish inspired plate. I made hummus and served with home-made flat bread, kofta and vegetables on a board with a bottle of chipotle sauce for dinner. Beetroot hummus really shined with a bright pink colour and a punch of smokey and garlicky flavour. I cannot believe I haven’t made this hummus until now. It is so yummy and pretty in pink 🙂 The recipe below makes two bowls which I used one for dinner and saved one for later use such as making wraps or falafels. When making hummus, always taste after blending up if seasoning is right. Salty? Enough garlic? Acidic from lemon? Nutty and creamy from tahini? A good drizzle of olive oil is a must to finish off. Have fun making x

beetroot hummusIngredients

150g dried chickpeas, soaked overnight
1 large beetroot
1/2 tsp cumin
2 garlic cloves, crushed
2 tbsp tahini
1 tsp Himalayan salt
juice from 1/2 lemon
1 tbsp e.v.o.o

Cover soaked chickpeas with cold water and boil over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until cooked. In the mean time, dice beetroot, drizzle with oil, sprinkle cumin, place in the preheated oven (180) for 10-15 mins until tender. Put cooked chickpeas, beetroot, tahini, crushed garlic, lemon juice and salt into a food processor. Blitz until smooth adding a bit of water if needed. Taste and adjust seasoning. Transfer to a serving bowl and drizzle e.v.o.o. dinner plate

GF Quinoa Blueberry Bake

I wanted to make a treat for myself for breakfast/ lunch. Berries were the first thing that came across my mind. Something sweet, sour, coconut-y and delicious. Ingredients for this recipe are so simple. I think it is perfect for weekend breakfast or even healthy dessert with whipped coconut cream. Yum!
Quinoa blueberry bakeIngredients (makes 2)

1 cup cooked quinoa
1/2 cup ground almonds
1/2 cup coconut flour
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/4 cup coconut sugar
2 eggs
1 tsp blueberry powder
1/2 tsp baking powder
1 cup frozen or fresh berries
pinch of salt

Lightly beat eggs in a mixing bowl. Add other ingredients into a bowl and combine well with a spatula. Pour the mixture into the ramekins and bake in the preheated oven (180) for 20-25 minutes until cooked.
Quinoa blueberry bake1

Raw Nut Butter Vanilla Slice

Here I am in my gym clothes, sitting in front of laptop after my morning workout. I was excited to write about the healthy exercise regime today and had to sit here as soon as I got home. First of all, I will start with my story. I wasn’t keen to any exercises or sports until mid-20s. I’m not sure about now, but when I was growing up in South Korea, all we had to do as a student was to study at school, after-school study and home and again repeat every single day. I did a bit of swimming and gym now and then, otherwise I wasn’t familiar with any exercises. When I moved to Australia about 9 years ago, one of the requirements to get into the physio course was a bronze medallion from Royal Life Saving Australia. I, of course, couldn’t swim as good as other fit Australians and failed one of the prac exams where I had to continuously swim 400m with 4 different swim styles. It was crazy I felt like I couldn’t even rescue myself in the deep swimming pool. I had a month of practice until I could take the test again. I made myself to the local swimming pool 6 days a week and swam for 1-1 1/2 hrs for a month. Yes, intense! Then thank GOD, I was able to pass. That was probably a wake-up call for me that I need to continue on a regular exercise to keep myself fit. Swimming, walking around the park, was all okay but not that exciting. Then I started Pilates in 2009 to become a clinical Pilates instructor. I fell in love with it! I found my favorite exercise that I can enjoy and stick to it for a long term (well, for the rest of my life). There are so many benefits of Pilates – improving your posture, developing strong core and back muscles, a good combination of cardio and strengthening, sculpting the whole body with long and lean yet strong muscles, enhancing your flexibility, coordination and balance, improving breathing techniques, body awareness and focus, and lastly it is so much fun. I always finish my exercise with Pilates. My routine looks like this, for example.

  • Pre-workout: I eat a piece of fruit or power ball with tea or coffee at least 30 minutes before exercise.
  • 10 minutes of cardio: brisk walk, cycling, rowing machine or cross-trainer to warm up my body and get my heart rate up.
  • 40 minutes of weight training: I like using theraband, dumbbells and kettlebells for upper body, body weights for core and legs. A variety of weight training every day so that I don’t get bored.
  • 10 minutes of Pilates: core strengthening and stretching to cool down.
  • Post-workout: Water, lots of it. Another piece of fruit or power ball within 30 minutes, then proper meal with a combination of carbs, protein and veggies such as a nourishing bowl later on.
  • There is no right or wrong here. Find what works for you and keeps you going.
  • Have an exercise buddy or join the group sessions if you need more support and motivation.
  • Have variety in your workout and incorporate weight training.
  • Let yourself recover x1-2 a week. It don’t mean you can be a couch potato. It is an active resting such as walking your dog, strolling around town with your friends or partner, gentle yoga or Pilates at home.
  • Eat well to recharge your body.
  • Be consistent. It is not just a new year’s resolution to be healthy and fit. It has to be your lifestyle!
  • Have fun 🙂 After all you gotta feel happy, destressed and energised.

This recipe is great for a snack between meals or post-workout snack. It is quick and easy to make and nourishes you with a plenty of protein and good fat. Enjoy x

Raw vanilla sliceIngredients (6 squares)

1 large banana
1 cup nut butter
1 cup coconut oil
1 tbsp raw honey
1/2 tsp vanilla powder
1/2 tsp cinnamon powder
a pinch of Himalayan salt

Mesh ripe banana with a fork in a large bowl. Melt coconut oil, honey and nut butter in a pot over low heat. It takes only a couple of minutes. Then pour the mixture into a bowl and mix with banana. Add vanilla, cinnamon and salt. Transfer into a silicon mold or a container lined with a baking paper. Spread evenly with a spatula and chill in the freezer until it firms up. Slice into squares, serve immediately. Store the leftover in the freezer.