Pecking duck

2013-01-16 17.57.44Pecking duck is not easy to make at home. Well I haven’t done it to be honest, but recipe seems way too long and hard to get it right.

This crisp duck breast is store bought and still yummy. You just need to drain all duck fat pretty well otherwise quite greasy >.<

Fresh veggies to go with are a must like zingy home-made pickles and sweet tomatoes.

Dinner served:)

Oven roasted chicken

2013-02-27 18.04.40Huge chicken maylands from Coles.

I marinated in mixed spices including paprika, chilli powder, morrocan spice, garlic and olive oil for 30mins to one hour before putting into the oven.

Veggies go in as well as chicken as you can see here like carrots, onions, potatoes, etc what ever you want:)

Garnish with basil and coriander before serve. Easy!!