Banana Muffins

eggs2I bought a few bananas a few days ago and kept in a fruit bowl with green apples >.< My mistake..I realised this morning they had black spots all over – ripened too quick!

To keep bananas fresh for longer, you can

  • pull bananas apart from the bunch: apparently they stay yellow longer when stored apart.
  • cover ends of the bunches with aluminum foil or plastic wrap: bananas like many fruits release ethylene gas at the stem naturally which browns and ripens fruits.
  • keep them in a warm location, not in the fridge.

Having bananas on daily basis has an array of health benefits.

  • assists in weight loss because it’s naturally sweet and so curb your sweet tooth. Great morning or afternoon snack!
  • helps with digestion and bowel regularity. Pectin in bananas aids digestion and also insoluble fibre travels through digestive tracts and sweeps off all waste.
  • supports your heart function. Bananas help to sustain blood sugar and lower blood pressure because they are high in potassium and low in salt.
  • makes you happy because of the natural mood enhancer tryptophan.
  • Did you know? You can also use inside of banana skin to polish your leather shoes or handbag too. Nothing gets wasted!

Banana muffinThey are so good for you. Though, personally I’m not a big fan of sweet fruits like ripe bananas, well most tropical fruits. So I decided to use them to make some banana muffins. Ripe bananas create beautiful sweetness in muffins and bread. I mashed one ripe banana with a fork and added one egg, 1 heap spoon of honey, 150g spelt flour, 1tsp baking powder, 1tsp of cinnamon powder and a pinch of Himalayan salt. Ah, I also grounded toasted hazelnuts and almonds and mixed through for more nuttiness and crunchiness. Then put them in 4 muffin cups and baked in the preheated oven (180) for about 30 minutes. Cool them down and enjoy!

Roasted Pepitas

Roasted pepitas

A delicious healthy snack is here – spicy roasted pepitas! I like sprinkling nuts in my salads for a nice crunch and nutty flavour. I’ve been using raw hulled pepitas so far. But OMG! after I toasted pepitas in the oven today, I’m definitely going to use roasted ones from now on. It is so addictive I cannot stop snacking on them.

Pepitas are amazing because…
– they are high in magnesium good for your blood pressure and heart
– zinc in pepitas supports your immune system, sleep, mood, eye and skin health, insulin regulation and male sexual function
– they are one of the best sources of plant-based omega-3 fats
– healthy fats, antioxidants and fibres in them may provide benefits for your heart and liver health
– pepitas are rich in tryptophan which converts to serotonin, which in turn converts to melatonin “sleep hormone”. Eating pepitas before bed may help with a better night’s sleep.
– their anti-inflammatory effects may help with arthritis

I coated raw hulled pepitas with cinnamon, cayenne pepper, smoked paprika, maple syrup, coconut oil and Himalayan salt in a mixing bowl. Then spread well on baking paper in a single layer. Roast in the preheated oven (170-180) for 10-15 minutes or until browned. Stir them every 5 minutes because spices can burn. Let cool before transferring into the jar. You can use any spices or sauce of your choiceย  for example tamari, chili and lime, cacao powder, curry powder, honey and ginger, etc. It is super easy to make, a great snack (beer snack?) as well as beautiful addition to your salad. Seriously good ๐Ÿ™‚

Mixed Bean Casserole

Bean Casserole

I like bean casserole for Sunday brunch or light lunch. I made this for our lunch today. I forgot to soak beans this morning, so had to go down to the shops to get a canned bean ๐Ÿ™ I try not to use canned foods but sometimes like today I have to. Boiling un-soaked beans can be a pain – taking way too long and not getting desired soft tender beans. Just make sure when you use canned beans, you need to drain and rinse thoroughly. Oh well.. I will be more prepared next time. My trick is to add cayenne pepper and preserved lemon in the casserole dishes, which gives nice kick and subtle lemony taste. It really makes a difference and gives much more flavour compared to when using just tomato based sauce. Runny egg right in the middle and melted brie cheese also adds creaminess to the dish as if I used butter to it. Delicious! Please don’t use a canned baked beans on toast for your breakfast, which is full of salt and preservatives. Make your own with your favorite ingredients!

1 can of mixed beans – Don’t be lazy like me. Soak your beans for a few hours or preferably over night. Any kinds of beans are good. Chick peas, broad beans, red kidney beans, black beans, etc
2 medium sized carrot
1/2 zucchini
1/3 green spring onion
1/2 preserved lemon, optional
1 heap table spoon of tomato sauce
1 teaspoon of smoked paprika
1/2 teaspoon of cayenne pepper, optional
50g brie cheese
2 eggs
salt and pepper to taste

Cook your veggies and sauce in a wok or pan until they are cooked. Transfer to casserole dish. Make a little well and crack egg into it. Put brie cheese and spring onions on top. Microwave or bake in the preheated oven (180) until eggs are done to your liking. Drizzle e.v.o.o before serve. There is not really a rule making this bean casserole dish. Use whatever you like or you have in the fridge.

Coconut Almond Biscotti

Coconut biscotti

There are a few Italian treats I like. Crunchy biscotti with coffee, moist and sweet tiramisu, vanilla panna cotta and gelato. Especially having a cup of coffee and you feel like something with it.. biscotti is just perfect indulgence. You can even have for your breakfast. Nothing wrong with that! Have you tried with wine? Maybe you should! It’s super easy to make your own version at home. You can make gluten free, egg free and sugar free – it doesn’t mean you can have a whole jar of these yummy cookies though! I used coconut cream, dessicated coconut, rice flour, LSA, honey, a pinch of salt, baking soda, baking powder, vanilla extract, almonds and hazelnuts. I didn’t follow recipe or anything, so cannot remember exact amount of ingredients I put in there. When you make a healthier version of bread, muffins, cookies etc, you can use substitutes. Make your own spin on the basic recipe!

For example…
– coconut cream instead of heavy cream/ sour cream
– fruit puree (apple sauce, mashed banana), tofu, yogurt, cottage cheese instead of butter/ oil/ eggs
– stevia, honey, maple syrup, molasses, agave syrup instead of refined sugar
– almond milk, soy milk, rice milk, coconut milk instead of cow’s milk
– corn flour, rice flour, rye flour, buckwheat flour, coconut flour, spelt flour instead of all purpose flour

Personally I use coconut products, fruit, tofu and maple syrup in my baking. I find it tastes better for me (maybe worse if you like overly sweet and rich buttery flavour). It doesn’t sacrifice yummy taste, but heaps better for your body.

Examples of flavour combinations…
– pistachio and cranberries
– vanilla and almond
– chocolate and almonds
– orange, cranberry and white chocolate
– cinnamon, ginger and almond
– fig and orange
mmm…list goes on…You can add a bit of liquor for adult’s version as well.

Have fun baking biscotti x

Cinnamon Rolls

Food blog24

Daniel and I went to learn fundamental barista skills at Australian Barista Academy this morning. I enjoy having a good quality black coffee and always wanted to learn more how to taste coffee and operate coffee machines. How interesting so many factors play a role in making good coffees!

1. First of all, you need to have fresh roasted coffee beans to make good coffee. So buy roasted beans from local coffee shops, not from supermarket. It reaches its peak flavour and aroma about 24 hours after resting, which allows excess CO2 trapped in coffee beans to dissipate. It also starts to lose a developed flavour and aroma after about 3 weeks. So knowing when your coffee beans are roasted should help when you need to use them by for best coffee.

2. Be aware how to store your beans – keep them in cupboard (dry, cool, away from sun). Grind coffee beans and use straight away since oxidation changes flavour.

3. Measure a good dosage every time for a quality control and consistency.

4. Nice even firm tamping pressure facilitates the extraction speed. Harder tamp = more resistance = slower flow rate

5. 4 stages during extraction: ristretto -> caramel colour -> blonding -> pale, less creamy stream. It should take about 28-32 seconds, not too fast nor slow.

6. Taste your coffee ๐Ÿ™‚

It was fun making coffees and frothing milk, but definitely need more practice. It’s tempting to buy a coffee machine!

Food blog23

After the barista course we were starving, especially after all that coffee tasting on empty stomach. We had a quick lunch at home just to get something in our stomach. Then I made this beautiful cinnamon rolls for afternoon tea. It smelled wonderful around the house – that’s why I like baking.

To make 8 little cinnamon rolls

400g self-raising flour + extra for kneading
1 packet of dry yeast
a pinch of salt
200ml warm water
A heap table spoon of cinnamon powder and brown sugar for filling
extra cinnamon, sugar powder, rose water, vanilla extract for cinnamon glaze

Flour is different depending on what brand you use or even from packet to packet, so adjust the amount of water and flour accordingly. Mix half of the flour, yeast, salt and water in a large bowl and set aside. Yeast will do its own thing making bubbles on the surface. Then you need to add the rest of the flour into the mixture and start kneading gently for about 5-10 minutes. Let it rest again until dough is double sized. Roll out the dough, sprinkle filling all over and then roll up the dough tightly. Cut into 8 pieces and place in a round baking pan. Loosely cover the rolls and rest again until they are doubled in size. Bake in the preheated oven 180 degrees for 25 minutes. Once it comes out of the oven top your cinnamon rolls with glaze. I didn’t use butter or oil, but used a bit of brown sugar. If you want sugar free, use honey or maple syrup or agave syrup. To be honest though, brown sugar makes nice caramel flavour matching with cinnamon. I served with iced pomegranate drink – yum!

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