Leek Frittata with Mediterranean Orzo Salad

Leek frittata

I found a giant leek at the local veggie market today. I don’t know why I get so excited when I find humongous vegetables or fruits 🙂 Leeks belong to the family of Alliaceae like onion and garlic. They are very low in calories but packed with healthy nutrients and phytonutrients.

  •  the flavonoid kaempferol provides protection to the lining of blood vessels, thereby lowers the risk of hypertension.
  •  as the allium family they lowers blood pressure, good for cardiovascular health.
  •  low calorie and high fibre content helps to lose weight.
  •  they can fight chronic low-level inflammatory status such as diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis.
  •  antioxidants in leeks help to fight against free radicals which cause chronic disease and aging.
  •  they are a good source of vitamins and minerals

They have very mild flavour and works well with other vegetables. My favorite way of cooking leeks is sautéing with a drizzle of olive oil and white wine and serving with a piece of white fish. Another way is to make an omelet or frittata with sauteed leeks. Cook finely sliced leeks in a pan until they are softened and then mix with whisked eggs and milk. Bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes. Because this frittata can be a little bland I wanted something salty and zingy salad on the side. So I made this salad using olives, sun-dried tomatoes, artichokes, cooked orzo, goji berries, toasted pepitas and green salad. Protein from eggs tick! Carbs from orzo and veggies tick! Good fat from olive oil and nuts tick! Taste also tick! I think it ticks all the boxes 🙂

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