Get out of your comfort zone and travel the world, and you will achieve more than just experience. Life is too short to live in one country.First of all, Personal Growth. You question about other people’s lives, culture, language, economy and history, and learn..Courage. You get lost, find your way, overcome the fear of meeting new people, improve your communication skills (well..body language)Your palate. You can try local food and wine, visit farmer’s markets, engage with ordinary local people, be exposed to different smells, taste, produce and culture. Best part!The pleasure of discovery, appreciating, respecting and embracing your life! At the end of the day you will learn to appreciate what you’ve got and have different values in your life.Emotions that feed every cell in your body with all the goodness. Exhilarating, exciting, breathtaking, jaw-dropping, magical, busting, relaxing..I have moments now and then doubting myself, dealing with anxiety, not good enough, frustrating, yes – inner turmoil. A get away gives me a good opportunity to reset myself and replace negative thoughts with positives. Now it’s your turn. What is your reasons for travelling?