Fennel and Orange Salad

The aroma of the fennel coupled with the sweet acidity
Read more at http://whiteonricecouple.com/recipes/orange-fennel-salad/#jss4MiCG07y6YpzJ.99IngredientsIngredients

Fennel and orangeThe aroma from the baby fennel coupled with the sweet acidity of the orange makes the perfect refreshing salad, a great accompaniment to fresh seafood. It is so elegant and fragrant yet you only need two main ingredients with a simple dressing to make. Feel free to use other wonderful variations like grapefruit, blood orange or tangerines. Or even add some toasted nuts or cheese would be nice. Not into raw fennel? Lightly grill or pan-fry them. It will cut down the aniseed flavour and enlighten the sweetness. Either raw, grilled, sauteed or braised, fennel is tasty and nutritious.

Fennel has a number of health benefits. It is an excellent source of vitamin C, which gives a strong antioxidant activity in your body. Iron and histidine found in fennel helps to relieve anemia. It is great for your indigestion and bad breath. Some of the components of the essential oils in fennel stimulate secretion of digestive and gastric juices, while reducing inflammation of the stomach and intestines and facilitating digestion. I like adding fennel seeds into my salads and having a fennel tea after dinner. Fibre in fennel helps to control your cholesterol level and blood pressure, help with constipation.


1 fennel bulb
1 orange
1 tsp of e.v.o.o
1/2 tsp of Dijon mustard
1 tsp of apple cider vinegar
1 tsp of orange juice
salt and pepper to taste

Finely shave the fennel and squeeze over a bit of lemon to stop it going brown. Peel your orange and either cut into small bite size pieces or segment your orange. Put all dressing ingredients in a small jar and shake until combined. Mix together your fennel, orange and parsley with dressing and serve immediately.